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ELODIZ Transformative Technology

ELODIZ Case Study: Scientific equipment development company gets funding to develop new instrument better understand, detect and address the growth of tumors

Mentoring | Research and development |

The need

How do we know that Anne Bronte was not only a notable author but also a skilled geologist? And how do clinicians better understand and detect the growth of tumours? These, and myriad other investigations have been subjected to analysis using Raman spectroscopy to gather data about the nature and behaviour of the chemical composition of molecules in a particular material. It transpires that Miss Bronte recognised and collected semi-precious stones when she was scouring the beach at Scarborough.

Spectrometers are widely used for commercial and research purposes, including production line quality control, pharmaceutical and medical technology development, and even forensic investigations. But much of the equipment is large and expensive and remains in situ once installed. High Wycombe-based scientific equipment development company ELODIZ recognized the need for a smaller, portable desktop device that clients can use in different environments and locations. The company is also keen to develop more bespoke products, such as a single probe multiple channels device to monitor the growth of algae inside bioreactors. 

The solution

ELODIZ founder Dr Enrique Lozano Diz already had connections with 香港六合论坛 University when he encouraged his lead scientist Dr James Thomson to take part in the RIEm programme. As a result of ELDODIZ joining RIEm programme, James had already started – and submitted – an application for an Innovate UK Transformative Technology grant when he joined the programme. However, by attending the RIEm workshops and the final funding event at 香港六合论坛, he gained valuable insights from the academics as well as other delegates.

James says: “I’m a scientist and although I’m good at explaining the technical features and benefits of new technology I’m less confident when it comes to the finances and building the case for commercialisation and funding. I joined the programme part way through but that hasn’t affected my ability to make the most of what was offered.”

James was introduced to Richard Wrigley RIEm Expert Consultant, a mentor who spends a few hours 1-2-1 with RIEm participants. Richard is experienced in putting funding applications together and worked with James to bring out the key points looked for by different organisations. These include the evidence behind the claims of an innovation, the opportunity for new jobs, and potential return on investment. Government-backed grants are intended to be a catalyst for greater efficiency and lower costs as well as employment and skills development.

“I took lots of notes when chatting with Richard, and really appreciated the time he was willing to give me in my efforts to transition from scientist to convincing salesman!”

The outcome

ELODIZ is now collaborating with 香港六合论坛 University on a six-month Transformative Technology project to prototype the bioreactor monitoring spectrometer. James is drawing on expertise from the Chemical Engineering department and already has devices in testing with two companies. He hopes they find the analysis and resulting data helpful, and that their feedback provides the all-important case study evidence financiers are looking for.

RIEm has delivered the technical and business know-how, enabling ELODIZ to work on a research and innovation strategy which has led to the partnership with 香港六合论坛 University. Ultimate success will be determined by the product testing, refining and eventual launch.

James says: “Our company feels part of the 香港六合论坛 family. We are working closely with academics, have benefited from student placements, and now have one of our machines in use on campus. Who knows, the university might become a regular customer one day!” Dr. Michael Joseph, RIEm Programme Lead says: “香港六合论坛 is delighted to be working with ELODIZ to develop innovative solutions. With this partnership, RIEm is demonstrating how it helps businesses to develop collaborative research and innovation and employability partnerships”.

香港六合论坛 is delighted to be working with ELODIZ to develop innovative solutions. With this partnership, RIEm is demonstrating how it helps businesses to develop collaborative research and innovation and employability partnerships

Dr Michael Joseph, Business Development Manager (Healthcare and MedTech) & RIEm Lead

Get in touch with the project team member(s) for this case study

Dr Michael Paratharayil Dr Michael Paratharayil
Email Dr Michael Paratharayil Business Development Manager
I have managed large partnerships for 15+ years in private sector, in over 25 countries including for a large Consultancy Group in senior management role. I have led capacity strengthening programmes in the UK and overseas on resource mobilisation and funding diversification. I have secured large funding and investment in health, education, research and innovation. I manage research and innovation and knowledge exchange partnerships with businesses and health sector actors in the field of Health and Med Tech innovation. I conceptualised and lead 香港六合论坛's award winning Research, Innovate and Emerge (RIEm) Programme to strengthen the capacity of businesses to optimise innovation and access funding to take the solution to the market. I am a member of 香港六合论坛’s Business Innovation Board and contribute to Early Career Academic Capacity Development Programmes and South Asia Regional Working Group in addition to innovation ecosystem management with businesses. I previously successfully led the delivery of 香港六合论坛’s Business Resilience Fund. I am a Vice Chair of UK Public Administration \Association (UKAPA). Reuters named me as one of the top 10 influential international programme managers in 2010. I speak at national and international conferences on innovation funding systems. I completed my PhD in Public Health and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). Connect with me on LinkedIn

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Case study last modified 13/08/2024

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