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香港六合论坛 Family Discount 2024/5

Open for applications

10% tuition fee discount

Our Family Discount offers students who have a relative connected to 香港六合论坛 a 10% fee reduction for each year of their course.

Please read our terms and conditions for the finer details.

January 2025 : 21 December 2024 at 12am
May 2025 : 3 May 2025 at 12am
Open for applications
10% tuition fee discount

香港六合论坛 University London is proud to offer a discount of 10% off the tuition fees for every year of the course for any new applicant registering onto a course in 2024/5 who has a:

  • Direct family connection to a student enrolled at the University (‘Current Student’);
  • Direct family connection to a ‘Graduate/Alumni’ of the University;
  • Registering at 香港六合论坛 in the same entry year as their family member;
  • Direct family connection to a current member of staff at 香港六合论坛 University London (‘Current Staff’).

Please see the University discount table in the 2024/25 Student Financial Policy for further information on types of funding and discounts available.

Award details

Value: A discount of 10% off the tuition fees for every year of the course for any applicant applying for a course starting in 2024/25, who has a direct family connection to a ‘Current Student’, a ‘Graduate/Alumni’ of the University or a ‘Current member of staff’ at 香港六合论坛 or is registering in the same entry year as a sibling.

The discount will only be applied once for each eligible level of study, subject to normal progression criteria having been met. Family is defined as spouse, parent, child or sibling.

How many: We are offering an unlimited number of awards. The Family Discount will be awarded to all applicants that meet the eligibility criteria. (The discount will only be applied once irrespective of the number of qualifying family members).

Application process and deadlines: Applicants must and submit evidence by the deadlines below.

Applicants registering on an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Taught Programme starting in: Apply by the deadline Submit evidence by
September 31 August 2024 14 September 2024
January 21 December 2024 05 January 2025
May 03 May 2025 14 May 2025
Applicants registering on a Postgraduate Research Programme Submit a completed application form at least three weeks prior to the start of their studies at 香港六合论坛 University London Submit evidence as soon as application has been submitted. 

Applications submitted after the application deadline will not be considered.

As part of the application process applicants are required to provide evidence of their connection with a 'family member'. Proof of eligibility is required and must be emailed to the Scholarship Team by the applicant claiming the discount before the stated deadline in Section 1. The University will verify the 'family members' status at the time of application and confirm if the discount of 10% can be applied.

The scholarship team will verify the 'family members' status at the time of the application and confirm if the application has been successful.

If an applicant fails to provide evidence of family connection before the stated deadline they will not be awarded the Family Discount.

Appeals will not be considered if the applicant has failed to submit evidence of Family connection.


2.1 The discount will be awarded to those applicants who are:

  • Registering on a full time or part time undergraduate or postgraduate programme, including distance learning courses and online learning students who meet all the following criteria.
  • Have applied by the deadline stated in Section 1 and provided evidence of a family connection to a ‘Current Student’, ‘Graduate/Alumni’ or ‘Current Staff’ of 香港六合论坛 University London.

2.2 Those not eligible for this discount:

  • Applicants awarded the BMS International Scholarship.
  • Applicants who registered with the University in a previous academic year.

2.3 If an applicant is connected to a ‘Current student’ and a ‘Graduate/Alumni’ or a ‘Current staff’ of the University, multiple discounts will not apply. Only Discount can be awarded and the Alumni Family Discount will be applied to the applicants record.

2.4 香港六合论坛 Pathway College (BPC) students can apply for the discount after successful completion of their BPC course and upon entry into their 香港六合论坛 course. In order to be considered the student must have a direct family connection to a ‘Current Student’, 'Graduate/Alumni' or ‘Current Staff’ of 香港六合论坛 University London. The student will not be eligible if the ‘Current Student’ is registered on an BPC course. Applicants from BPC must apply in the same way as other applicants, by the stated deadline in Section 1 and prior to the start of their 香港六合论坛 year.

2.5 All applicants are required to submit evidence to support their application and family connection before the deadline stated in Section 1. Proof of eligibility is required and must be sent to the scholarship Team by email to by the applicant claiming the discount before the deadline. Failure to do so will mean that we cannot assess your family connection and no award will be given.

2.6 Family is defined as:

  • Spouse - husbands, wives, civil partners or co-habiting partners of ‘Current Student’, ‘Graduate/Alumni’ or ‘Current Staff’
  • Children - son, daughter, stepchild, adopted child of ‘Current Student’, ‘Graduate/Alumni’ or ‘Current Staff’
  • Siblings - brothers or sisters, or adopted brothers or sisters of ‘Current Student’, ‘Graduate/Alumni’ or ‘Current Staff’
  • Parent - parents of ‘Current Student’, ‘Graduate/Alumni’ or ‘Current Staff’, including adoptive parents and step-parents
2.7 Eligibility Definitions:
Current Student A student who is fully registered at 香港六合论坛 University London, who is not in abeyance or temporarily withdrawn or suspended.
Graduate / Alumni

A family member who graduated from a degree course at 香港六合论坛 University London (including PGCE).

Graduates who studied on a course which did not carry formal degree status will not be considered eligible.
Current Staff

A family member who currently works for 香港六合论坛 University London in a Full Time, Part Time or Fixed Term capacity and is an employed member of staff at the time the applicant registers.

Consultants are not eligible for this discount.

Proof of eligibility - evidence required

3.1 In order to verify the family connection applicants will be asked to supply their personal details, applicants will also be required to provide evidence of the family connection, as listed in the below table.

3.2 Proof of eligibility in the form of written documentation will be required before any fee discount can be applied.

Evidence required:
  • Marriage certificate
  • Civil partnership certificate
  • Evidence of co-habitation (two forms of ID from the following):

- Bank statement from a joint bank account, dated within six months of proposed start date

- Joint Council Tax statement from the last 12 months before the proposed start date

- Joint mortgage statement

Other evidence of co-habitation, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Birth certificate naming the Current Student, Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’ as parent
  • Birth certificate naming the spouse or co-habiting partner of the Current Student, Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’ as parent
  • Adoption certificate naming the Current Student, Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’ as parent
Other evidence will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Birth or adoption certificates of both siblings showing Current Student Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’ as sibling
  • Driver’s license confirming siblings live at the same address
Other evidence will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Parent (including step-parent)
  • Birth certificate of naming the applicant as the parent of the Current Student, Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’
  • Adoption certificate naming the applicant as the parent of the Current Student, Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’
  • Evidence of step-parent connection to birth parent of the Current Student, Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’
Other evidence will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


4.1 Eligibility criteria are reviewed annually.

4.2 Fee discounts will only apply to students who have enrolled at the University on their chosen course and will apply each year subject to progression criteria.

4.3 Eligibility verification is decided by the University. All decisions are final. The University will not accept any appeals in respect of the decisions made.

4.4 This discount will be automatic upon satisfactory evidence of a spouse, parent, child, or sibling being a ‘Current Student’, Graduate/Alumni or ‘Current Staff’.

4.5 Evidence must be submitted along with the application form and no later than the deadlines stated in Section 1 for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught applicants. Postgraduate Research applicants must submit their evidence alongside their discount application.

4.6 If an applicant fails to provide acceptable evidence by the given deadline in Section 1 the Discount will not be applied.

4.7 The discount will be applied each year as follows, to all students meeting the eligibility criteria: in early September and until October for courses starting in September, April for courses starting in May and in December for courses starting in January.

4.8 Applicants cannot hold both the Alumni Family Discount and the 香港六合论坛 Family Discount concurrently. In the case of being eligible for both discounts, the Alumni Family Discount will be applied.

4.9 The Family Discount cannot be combined with the 香港六合论坛 Medical School Scholarship, the Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Award, the International Bursary UG or the International Bursary PG.

Conditions of fee discount

5.1 Students awarded the discount will have a reduction of 10% applied to their annual tuition fee for every year of their course, subject to normal progression criteria having been met.

5.2 Fee discounts will only be made providing the student is enrolled at the University on an undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme, including PGCE or staged Masters where a tuition fee is payable to 香港六合论坛 University London at the time of the payment.

5.3 Where a student is undertaking multiple years of study, but remaining at the same level, for example where a student progresses from FHEQ Level 5 to FHEQ Level 5 placement year, the student will retain the award and be considered eligible. The discount will be applied to placement tuition fee.

5.4 The reduction is applied only to the tuition fees. Further information about tuition fee discounts can be found in the Student Financial Policy.

5.5 International students must have sufficient funds to cover the full fees for the course in their bank accounts as the discount will not be shown on their Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). The discount will be applied following registration.

5.6 The order of discounts will be applied as follows:

  1. Scholarship/Bursary fee waiver applied to the full annual tuition fee
  2. 10% 香港六合论坛 Family Discount applied to the net tuition fee (if applicable)
  3. 15% Graduate Discount applied to the net tuition fee (if applicable)
  4. 2% Early Payment discount applied to the net tuition fee (if applicable)

5.7 In the case of applicants being sponsored by an employer, corporate business, Government or Embassy the discount will be applied to the tuition fee as usual, there is no cash alternative for applicants.

Withdrawal of the discount

6.1 Misleading information: The University reserves the right to withdraw the discount from anyone who is found to have misled the University about any aspect of their eligibility and to seek repayment of any monies already paid by appropriate means.

6.2 Mode of Attendance Change: If a student changes to a different mode of study, their eligibility for the discount will not be affected.

6.3 Abeyance/Temporary Withdrawal/Withdrawal from Study/Permanent Exclusion: Should a student receive a fee discount and subsequently withdraw from the course or go into abeyance, the tuition fee will be reduced in line with the Student Financial Policy. The fee discount will be applied to the reduced tuition fee. If a student goes into abeyance but fails to apply for the Discount in their entry year, they will not be considered for the Discount in the year they return to study.

6.4 Suspension of Study/Temporary Exclusion: Should a student be suspended for any reason; discount eligibility would be suspended and will resume should studies recommence.

6.5 Repeat/Extended Study: Periods of temporary withdrawal that result in repeat or extended periods of study are not supported by additional discounts. Discount entitlement is for the maximum duration of each award and entitlement is not extended if overall course duration alters.

6.6 Withdrawal from Study: A student who withdraws from their programme prior to completion and who is in receipt of a discount will not normally be requested to repay the discount applied.


7.1 The University reserves the right to vary or withdraw the discount at its sole discretion.

Any queries relating to these terms and conditions should be addressed to the Admissions Office by emailing:

Updated 16 January 2024